Forget bank Certificate of Deposits and forget about leaving your money in a checking or savings account. Everyone I know and their dog is buying US Bonds right now and with juicy yields of 5.38 percent for 1 month T-Bill to 5.36 percent for 1 year T-Bill but the going rate for 2 year Notes is just under 5 percent.

If you don’t know how to buy T-bills then you really need to learn quick. The central bank will likely hike rates again but at some point, the good (high interest rate) times will come to an end. If you need some help check out Jennifer Lammer’s YouTube Channel Diamond Nest Egg on an instructional tutorial on Treasury bonds.
I have bank accounts at credit unions and some of the big banks and they are all paying less than 1 percent interest rates while T-Bills are offering 5.5x or more than that so it was a no-brainer to move my money from nothing interest to something 5 times better.
Just moving your money to Fidelity and leaving in cash (no T-Bills) will earn you 4.9% interest right now.