One of the YouTube channels I watch is The Retirement Nerds. The team there offers insightful advice on all things medicare and while I’m over a decade+ away from even being eligible for medicare, I still find the information useful for planning purposes.
The Nerds have a great video out that discusses the Financial Advisor Industry and I’ve written about my bad experiences in my post asking, “Are All Financial Advisors Snakeoil Sales People?“
The Nerds dive into what the whole advisory industry looks like so it’s worth a watch if you are thinking about the financial advisory industry. They have a neat cheat sheet which I screen grabbed below from the video but you can see it in the video or request a copy from the video description or click here.

The video is a great primer on who does what in the financial industry and there is no one size fits all to every situation so who you will need for what will vary greatly from person to person and personal financial situation to situation.
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