This is one of the most informative, entertaining and actionable book I’ve read in a while. Andrew Henderson makes the case that it’s important to “go where you are treated best” and offers some genuine good ideas on how to do that for yourself.
Here is a favorite quote from this book, “These people live by the notion that being a patriot, loyal to their country and government, is the most noble purpose and must be defended at all costs. They condemn guerrilla warriors in other countries yet await the day when they can do the same in their country…”
I’m going to summarize some of the key concepts here in a few bullets and if what you read intrigues you, consider buying and reading the book.
- “Go Where You Are Treated Best” – Andrew simplifies the complicated psychology of “indoctrination” to one’s country/culture/philosophy/etc by breaking it all down to one simple action, go where you are treated best. If the place you are at now is treating you best from a holistic point of view (finances, taxes, environment, culture, etc) then you are in the right place, if not, it’s time to look elsewhere.
- Plant A Flag – You create a forest by planting one tree at a time and in similar fashion, Andrew suggest the first step is to plant a small flag in a place that treats you best. This can be as simple as opening a bank account in a foreign country or buying a small home in another country as an investment.
- Live Like A Tourist -Andrew affirms my personal findings that it is often best to simply move from country to country as a tourist where you are treated with preferential treatment as opposed to becoming a tax resident with onerous tax rules and laws such as those I wrote about in Spain.
- E.K.G – Andrew has concepts around Enhancing Freedom, Keeping More Money and Growing Money.
There is plenty more in the book including chapters on renouncing citizenship, dual citizenship, foreign accounts, foreign business accounts, entrepreneurship and so on, so if any of this resonates with you consider reading the book. If you are in a place now where you are being treated the best then you probably won’t get anything out of the book as it’s intended for people that need new strategies to optimize their life, lower their tax bill and grow their money.
The only thing this book is missing, in my opinion, are a set of links or references to other related materials. I think Andrew missed a great opportunity to share essential resources, links, and references to other materials. I did find that Andrew has a website here that does contain additional information and resources. Happy hunting.