If you’re wondering why I haven’t had a post in a few days it’s because I’ve been busy researching and shopping and hoarding. I’m also busy at work with the start of the new year but it’s the shopping that’s eating my free time.
New Administration
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know there is a new administration going into government next week. The incoming leader of this administration has made it clear that he intends on slapping tariffs on anything he pleases at any time he likes so it makes sense to manage that risk prudently for things that I am in need of now or in the near future. Many Americans are already rushing out to buy big cost items before the new admin comes in.
For the most part, our household has everything we need. For Christmas we even returned gifts of things like an Air Fryer because we already have one. Most of the things people gave us this last Christmas was stuff that was not needed.
I do however have need for pricier items and I started buying all of those things that I needed.
Mac Mini
The first big purchase was a new M4 Mac Mini to replace an old mac that I have. I use this to create videos, music, and other content for my family and a possible future business side gig when I retire. The cost here was about $700 (includes some software).
Apple is very stingy and greedy when it comes to pricing of components on their products so I ordered a base model Mac Mini and will be augmenting the storage on my own but it meant spending $400+ on an external drive case and 4 TB drive. I have a YouTube link to a video that helped me make the decision.
Computer Rack
I have a closet in my house that houses a lot of computer equipment such as my fiber modem, wifi router, a plex server, and my Synology NAS that helped me get rid of the expensive Apple cloud storage charges. I have security cameras in my home and one of them is focused on my computer room.
While we were away in Europe, the camera sent me an alert about movement so I checked the video right away. I was worried someone had broken into our home but it turned out the cheap plastic/particle board rack/shelf system I had in there had melted likely due to excessive heat over the years that it’s been sitting in there. Fortunately, nothing broke except the rack but it did toss all the equipment around. I have now replaced it with a full blow metal rack that won’t ever melt until the sun goes red giant. This was another $100 cost.
I’ve bought some new travel routers and my access points in my home need replacement so that’s another purchase I will be making soon but I’m still conducting research.
My next big purchase is a new television for our family room. I have a $3000 Samsung TV with amazing picture quality that works perfectly that I bought in 2009. I love the TV and there is literally nothing wrong with it but it’s only 1080p and I’d like to have a 4k TV with a bit better image quality. I am hesitant to do this because I plan on retiring next year and spending a lot of time overseas so it doesn’t make any sense but I am worried if the TV fails (it is 16 years old) that I’ll have to shell out more than I want to once tariffs are implemented. A 50% tariff on TVs from China will drive up the cost significantly so a $2000 TV may end up costing $3000 with a 50% tariff.
The TV won’t be a total loss, one of my kids or family members can inherit it and we don’t plan on selling our home here in the U.S. anyway. Our daughter will likely live in it and take care of it while we’re away. I plan on buying my new TV today or tomorrow.
Security Cam System
I need to replace my security camera system but I don’t think I’ll have time to do this before the administration comes into office. It works ok now but some of the infrared is starting to fail on some of the cameras but I’ll wait until the system completely breaks down. I have a backup set of cameras anyway from Wyze that are cheap and easy to replace.
While not exactly electronics, I replaced my entire backyard fence at a cost of $6000. If the new admin imposes tariffs on Canada lumber, that cost would likely be double so I’m glad I got it out of the way and the fence should last 10 years or so.
I still need to do some more remodeling in my home but I don’t think tariffs would impact that too much but who knows what chaos will come.
Share The Wealth
Are you rushing out to buy anything before the new admin comes in? Let me know in the comments below.