It looks like my strategy hoarding electronics was prudent and timely. According to TomsHardware, the price of laptops are expected to rise 10% in March due to the new administration’s tariff scheme. Acer Laptop prices in the U.S. are set to rise by 10% from March 2025, commented CEO Jason Chen in an interview with The…
Category: Money Management
Retirement: Qualified Dividends vs Non-Qualified Dividends
Do you know the difference between qualified dividends and non-qualified dividends in your investment portfolio? Knowing the difference could mean a smaller tax bill or a much larger one in retirement. I’ve come across a great YouTube video on the subject so rather than write a wordy explanation, it’s just easier to watch this video…
Is My Secret Source For Eye Glasses In Danger?
As I’ve gotten older, I seem to be in need for more frequent changes of glasses. First it was “readers” then my eyes went out of whack so now I wear bi-focals. But lately, my eyes seem to change every six months instead of annually. Because I go through glasses like tissues I had to…
New Administration, More Inflation
The premise of the new administration in office was that it would make inflation go away right away but inflation seems to be heading in the wrong direction. Inflation is my primary concern when I retire and with good reason, once someone begins to live off investments, they need to make sure they have enough…
Paying Your Mortgage With Your Credit Card
The holy grail of credit card reward points has always been to pay your mortgage with a credit card. This is usually the largest recurring expense most people have on their bill pile. There are now potentially two credit cards that will allow you to do this with minimal fees. Rather than type of a…
Sold More Calls On IWM Today
IWM is a cash machine for me so far. Sold 2 contracts today for $230 which will take me closer to making $2000 for my 30 day window. I now have a full “spread” of calls at the strikes I like so the only thing left to do now is wait. If IWM falls in…
Sold IWM Calls Today
I wanted to write a series of posts on a full life-cycle of a covered call transaction with these posts but the volatility in the market is making too many opportunities for me to use my standard methodologies. To that end I took the opportunity to sell more calls on IWM and rake in $700…
How Much Money Is Needed To Retire?
One of the most annoying questions I see on websites like ask something like, “I have $5 million dollars, can I retire now?” It’s an annoying question because the answer is always going to be the same: it depends. If you have a $100,000/month shopping habit, then $5 million may not be enough to…
I’ve Been Busy Hoarding Electronics
If you’re wondering why I haven’t had a post in a few days it’s because I’ve been busy researching and shopping and hoarding. I’m also busy at work with the start of the new year but it’s the shopping that’s eating my free time. New Administration Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know…
My Tax Plan for 2025
It’s December and I finally made some decisions around tax planning for 2025. As your income grows higher and higher, tax planning becomes a core part of your long term strategy. W-2 Income I decided to defer about 1/4 of my income for 2025 in the company deferred compensation plan and I will also be…