I try to keep up with the changes in technology because everything runs on technology. Your TV has a computer in it as does your car, your fridge, you washer & dryer, and almost anything that runs on electricity. Technology like the microchip revolutionized how we do everything and the next evolution in that is…
Category: Educational
Summer Vacation Due Diligence
Summer is almost here and across the United States many schools will be letting kids out for the summer and I thought about how our family approached family vacations for the summer. I was going to dig up my old planning spreadsheets but I decided on asking AI to generate a fresh new list and…
Monopoly (the game) & Life Lessons In Wealth Building
When our kids were young they loved to play the game Monopoly. Of course, each kid hated losing and hated having to depart with cash when landing on a property owned by someone else. Most of all the kids hated going bankrupt and losing the game. As I continue to grow my wealth and frequently…
The Retirement Nerds Lift The Veil On Financial Industry
One of the YouTube channels I watch is The Retirement Nerds. The team there offers insightful advice on all things medicare and while I’m over a decade+ away from even being eligible for medicare, I still find the information useful for planning purposes. The Nerds have a great video out that discusses the Financial Advisor…
Chat GPT-4o & How To Get Rich
OpenAI released a new version of their Chat GPT product called GPT-4o and I’ve been playing with it. I asked, “what’s the best way to get rich in the United States” and here was the response. Entrepreneurship: Starting and growing a successful business can be a highly effective way to build wealth. It involves identifying…
ETF CPSM: A 9 Percent Return & Guaranteed Capital Protection?
There’s a new ETF sheriff in town and it’s promising to pay a 9 percent return with full capital downside protection. If you want to watch an explanation of how this works check out the video clip below from CNBC. If you prefer to read about the new ETF, there is a great article here…
Are You Part of the Boomer Retirement Crisis?
MSN has an article out calling out the peak boomer crisis that seems to metastasizing into a very ugly future for millions of potential retirees. On Wednesday, AARP released the results of a January survey delving into retirement outlooks for Americans aged 50 and above. It found that many of them are not feeling confident with their finances. Particularly,…
Spain Taxes Are Worse Than We Thought
In my post, What They Don’t Tell You About About Retiring Overseas, I wrote about how my wife and I are avid travelers. With one of our kids now seemingly living in Europe on a semi-permanent basis it makes a great deal of sense for us to consider buying a home somewhere in Europe to…
Which Investment Broker(s) Do I Use?
Over the course of my career, I’ve collected a cornucopia of brokerage accounts. During that time frame, many of these brokers began buying each other out. For example E-Trade got swallowed up by Morgan Stanley, TD Ameritrade is now Charles Schwab. Fidelity is probably one broker that hasn’t been swallowed up or changed names over…
Personal Finance Blogs That I Read
I’m on vacation this week but I prepared some posts because nothing sucks more than not having anything new to read. I tend to favor data driven analysis in anything I do so if these blogs seem a bit too analytical then you have been forewarned. Financial Samurai has a great post on Ranking The…