Did you know you need at least three personal finance people in your life? If not, then perhaps that’s why you might be struggling financially. Let me walk you through my personal finance people. Personal Finance Mentor A personal finance mentor provides financial guidance, advice, feedback on skills, and coaching. This type of mentor can…
Category: Financial Odyssey
Personal Finance Is A House Built One Brick At A Time
I have a friend who is a really great project manager. His go to phrase when dealing with a large complicated project is always, “you eat an elephant one bite at a time.” I thought about titling this post with that phrase but eating an elephant would probably offend some people so I switched it…
How A Lazy Blogger Made A Grown Man Cry
I’ve been reading stuff on the internet since the day it was invented. In the mid 2000’s I started this blog and ran it for a few years but then life happened. My kids were born between ’99 and ’02 so when I started the blog it was very manageable to watch over my kids…
Money Perspectives: Islamic Finance
After getting the Jewish perspective on money, I searched YouTube for a video on Islam and money and came across this interesting video. I understood some basic principles of Islam and money such that interest was generally forbidden in Islamic customs but I never knew the level of intricacy of the rules and processes for…
What’s Your Plan For Inflation?
I have been doing some spring cleaning and came across an old credit card year end statement from 2001. It was a bit of a ‘blast from the past’ but what really struck me is how much the cost of stuff has gone up. For example, there was a fast food place named ‘Whataburger’ that…
Money Perspectives: How Jews View Money Differently
I spend a great deal to time on YouTube and other sites seeking to improve my knowledge or skills especially when it comes to personal finance so it was a surprise when YouTube recommended the video below from Living Lchaim entitled, “How Jews View Money Differently Than Everyone Else” This is a long video but…
Personal Finance Is A Like A Career Ladder
There is a war brewing between Dave Ramsey (boomer) and millenials according to this article in the Wall Street Journal (sorry pay walled). Essentially, many people under 40 think Ramsey’s advise is too overly simplistic or not applicable to their situation. The thing to remember however is that personal finance is an upward educational journey…
How I’m Investing My Buckets of Money: Tax FREE Bucket
This is part 3 of my buckets of money and how I plan on investing the funds in them. Although the funds are already invested, it’s become clear that I need to re-think how I’m investing funds in each account. Tax FREE Bucket My third bucket is the “tax FREE” bucket. This is a bucket…
How I’m Investing My Buckets of Money: Tax Deferred Bucket
Part 1 here was all about investing my Taxable bucket. This is part 2 of my buckets of money and how I plan on investing the funds in them. My Tax Deferred Bucket, although the funds are already invested, it’s become clear that I need to re-think how I’m investing funds in this account. Tax…
How I’m Investing My Buckets of Money: Taxable Bucket
I have separated my money into three buckets as I wrote about here and after some research, I’m coming close to determining the best way to invest the money in these buckets. Keep in mind that the money in all of these buckets is already invested but after doing some serious planning for retirement, I’ve…