In my continuing quest to find a potential expat retirement spot, I came across a recent video on YouTube that has some good sources of data on changes to taxes this year in Thailand. The World Wide Income Tax Bandwagon More and more countries are starting to tax income worldwide even though that particular country…
Banking Diversification & Frozen Funds
If there is ONE single piece of personal financial advice I give to people, it is to never ever keep all your money in one place. I know it’s a hassle to to manage multiple bank accounts but the consequences of keeping all your money in one bank account are too dire and brutal. Yotta…
New Credit Card: $50k Limit!
Shhh….don’t tell Dave Ramsey this but I applied for a new credit card recently because it came with a fairly good sign up promo and when I got the card and setup the app on my iPhone, I was shocked to see it came with a credit line of $50,000! I’ve written about my strategy…
Are You Ready? $512 Billion In Unrealized Losses!
Back in September of 2023, I wrote a post titled, “How To Prepare for a Recession” and it may have been very timely because it’s entirely possible by September of this year we will be in a recession. I followed up that post with another one a couple of weeks after titled, “It Feels Like…
ZepBound: My Health Journey May Edition
I’ve been reading about how these GLP-1 drugs change people’s personality and I have been thinking about that a great deal because to some extent my personality has changed. But before we get to that I want to tell you that while taking this medicine has been great, hunting for it has not. Express Scripts…
Climate Change & Personal Finance: Hoax or Harbinger?
It’s an election cycle year so I’m seeing all sorts of the usual debates on various media platforms about climate change and whether it’s a hoax or harbinger of more things to come. I honestly don’t know the answer but I do have 27 years experience and obervations. Same House 27 Years I bought my…
AI Is A Better Finance Analyst?
I try to keep up with the changes in technology because everything runs on technology. Your TV has a computer in it as does your car, your fridge, you washer & dryer, and almost anything that runs on electricity. Technology like the microchip revolutionized how we do everything and the next evolution in that is…
Summer Vacation Due Diligence
Summer is almost here and across the United States many schools will be letting kids out for the summer and I thought about how our family approached family vacations for the summer. I was going to dig up my old planning spreadsheets but I decided on asking AI to generate a fresh new list and…
Memorial Day
To all those who served or lost loved ones who have served know that you are not forgotten and your service was never in vain. We remember and honor your sacrifice.
Monopoly (the game) & Life Lessons In Wealth Building
When our kids were young they loved to play the game Monopoly. Of course, each kid hated losing and hated having to depart with cash when landing on a property owned by someone else. Most of all the kids hated going bankrupt and losing the game. As I continue to grow my wealth and frequently…