After watching a few cultural videos on how different cultures view money it made me wonder if I had the right personal finance community. So let’s review what I consider my personal finance community now. Seeking Alpha By far the most frequent community I visit right now is the Seeking Alpha community over at….
Money Perspectives: How Jews View Money Differently
I spend a great deal to time on YouTube and other sites seeking to improve my knowledge or skills especially when it comes to personal finance so it was a surprise when YouTube recommended the video below from Living Lchaim entitled, “How Jews View Money Differently Than Everyone Else” This is a long video but…
The Number 1 Skill Set To Have Now – AI (Artificial Intelligence)
If you live long enough you’ll get through many decades of hype and fail especially in tech. I can easily remember the hype around bitcoin and block chain to name a couple. So when AI came around, I kinda rolled my eyes and wondered how long it would take for that hype to die down…
Personal Finance Is A Like A Career Ladder
There is a war brewing between Dave Ramsey (boomer) and millenials according to this article in the Wall Street Journal (sorry pay walled). Essentially, many people under 40 think Ramsey’s advise is too overly simplistic or not applicable to their situation. The thing to remember however is that personal finance is an upward educational journey…
How I’m Investing My Buckets of Money: Tax FREE Bucket
This is part 3 of my buckets of money and how I plan on investing the funds in them. Although the funds are already invested, it’s become clear that I need to re-think how I’m investing funds in each account. Tax FREE Bucket My third bucket is the “tax FREE” bucket. This is a bucket…
How I’m Investing My Buckets of Money: Tax Deferred Bucket
Part 1 here was all about investing my Taxable bucket. This is part 2 of my buckets of money and how I plan on investing the funds in them. My Tax Deferred Bucket, although the funds are already invested, it’s become clear that I need to re-think how I’m investing funds in this account. Tax…
How I’m Investing My Buckets of Money: Taxable Bucket
I have separated my money into three buckets as I wrote about here and after some research, I’m coming close to determining the best way to invest the money in these buckets. Keep in mind that the money in all of these buckets is already invested but after doing some serious planning for retirement, I’ve…
Martial Bliss = Separate Checking Accounts
My wife and I were watching Sense & Sensibility on TV over the weekend and there is a scene where the Dashwood ladies are having their hearts broken, I kinda laughed and my wife turned to me and asked me if I ever had my heart broken and I turned to her, looked her in…
Financial Regrets: Accumulating Junk
When my wife and I got married we lived in a small one bedroom apartment. All of our possessions could fit comfortably in a space no bigger than 10ft x 10ft. When we were expecting our first child, we bought our first house which was a two story five bedroom house. When we moved in…
Municipal Bonds: Do You Know Good From Bad?
The greatest thing about investing in the United States are the endless choices. The worst thing about investing in the United States are the endless choices. From tens of thousands of stocks to even more bonds and seemingly endless real estate there are just too many choices and too many decisions to make so how…