I have now been on Zepbound for 9 months and I’ve lost 26.4 lbs so it’s like giving birth to one heavy baby! I wanted to wait till a full year before I published this chart but I am publishing it now for a few reasons. First the chart: I started this journey at 305…
AI: Using The Pareto Distribution For Investing
AI is starting to know me too well. I was working on fractal image generation related to something I was researching but my conversation with AI turned to finance as I had just asked AI about finance right before I started the fractal talk. AI suggested if i was interested in knowing how to leverage…
The ETFs In My Retirement Buckets
I strongly believe that parts of the U.S. stock market are over valued but that doesn’t mean I stopped investing. I decided to write this post because I’ve been spending time on Reddit investing communities and almost all of the advice is the same when someone asks for investing help: “Just buy VOO!” I think…
Why I Dumped My HSA (Health Savings Account)
For many years I participated in my employer’s health savings account but as I grew older I realized I would be relying on health care more and more. For starters, when you hit a certain age you suddenly need to start doing things like preventive checkups such as colonoscopies, electrocardiograms, and prostate tests. All of…
Lost Decades, Moves To Cash & Sequence of Returns
A Wealth of Common Sense had a great post about the Sequence of Returns which is a must read because it fits into a theme I’ve been writing about for a while now. The Sequence of Returns post makes the argument that the time to buy stocks is when they’re getting hammered because ultimately, when…
AI: Analyzing Asset Class & Sector Performance Returns With AI
Here’s another quick and amazing way to analyze data with AI. I visited this website and found the chart below. I wanted to know quickly which asset class had the best returns during the time period. Normally I would type the data into excel and start running averages but I decided to let AI do…
Using AI As A Financial Advisor
I’ve been using AI as a financial advisor and I have some stories to tell but I need to pace myself so let’s start with some a walk down ETF street. I asked AI to help me review a list of ETFs and told it that I wanted to put these ETFs into one of…
Disney Plus Price Inflation 13.33 Percent!
On the heels of health insurance price inflation of 7 percent I wrote about here, I got a notice from Disney+ that their annual subscription price was going up from $139.99/year to $159.99/year. I opted to say goodbye. I wrote about streamlining (pun intended) my streaming services here in preparation for an economic recession and…
Health Insurance Premium Up 7% For 2025
It’s that time of the year when company’s start their health insurance enrollment for next year and I got a big surprise when I logged on to check what the cost would be next year. The health insurance premiums went up 7 percent. This was on top of about 7 percent from the year before…
The Great Retirement Debate: 4% or More?
I read and watch a lot of videos on retirement because that’s the next big stage in my life so I want to maximize my knowledge around the topic. The big debate for the past year has been about what is the safe withdrawal rate for your portfolio. Dave Ramsey thinks it can be 8%…